essays, stories and journaling by slegg

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Done and done

I think I'm done with this job. Why can't I hold down a job? Today, while riding the subway, I became very conscious, visceral about my life being mine and I haven't been to the Netherlands and I don't want to work and I DON'T WANT TO WORK! All of my life.

So, I'm done with this job, these students, this air, these instruments that pluck teeth, and I'm moving on up and I'm moving on out, and I don't want to work and I DON'T WANT TO WORK! All of my life.

I just wish that we could be a little more decent with one another. Maybe ask, "How is your day?" Because that's really all I wanted to begin with ... to connect, to hear your stories, to know about your kids, because who really wants to be a dentist out of love for teeth? It's for stability, and money, and something to do with our time other than make love, and eat food, and dance in our underwear.

I'm feeling so sad about this tragic loss, this failed relationship that's just another death in my graveyard of expired jobs. Why do I feel this way? Why can't I just suck it up and know that there are problems, but hell, everything has problems, and know that there is something to gain through years of commitment and sacrifice?

1 comment:

Morgan, Hi! said...

There is something to be gained from years of commitment, but only if you're committed. Nobody could be committed to a job like that.