essays, stories and journaling by slegg

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm contstantly losing

my keys! I lost the keys to our Jaguar, to our mailbox, to our Honda, to the house ... I'm kinda wanting to forget the whole deal and just go key-less. The other day I hooked my car keys to the car handle so they'd be there when I returned. It worked out well.

Ade, my former boss, used to point out that if someone wanted to break into your house they would pry the door open before seeing if it is unlocked.


This summer has been off the hook.


Dullstar didn't like my last entry. She thinks that feminism is an opportunity to fight, improve, better ourselves and avoid falling victim to the rule and I see feminism as an opportunity to complain. Okay, I get it. Point taken.

Some women are interested in staging a revolution based on something other than critiques. Like the column Funny Women, which I love. Clearly I'm all about The Rumpus these days. I just friggin' love this magazine. Especially Dear Sugar and Stephen's Daily Emails. Oh, and Antonia Crane's Recession Sex Workers. I don't know of anything else out there that has me this jazzed.

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