Sarah Palin is nowhere close to a candidate that can replace Hillary Clinton. If McCain thinks that women voters were only interested in Clinton because of her gender, then he has missed the boat, and insulted our intelligence. We were attracted to Clinton because of her extensive foreign policy experience, her stalwart defense of issues such as universal health care, and (as her speech at the DNC showed), her ability to move and speak for our nation.
So, Mr. McCain, how exactly does Ms. Palin compare? This nomination is a step backwards in the fight for women’s equality. The women’s movement is not about affirmative action; it is about equal pay for equal work. The way to equality is not through meritless promotion, but through the recognition of a job well-done. This is why we women voters were Clinton supporters. Clinton proved to us that she was capable, fearless and deserving. Palin has not done these things.
Do Republicans really think that Palin’s nomination is a victory for women rights - another crack in the glass ceiling? It is not. Once again, a woman is being used to further an agenda that is not her own. Palin is being tokenized in the same way women have for centuries. Only this time, it’s justified by pollsters and statisticians. Moreover, we are so far from equal rights for women that the only viable female GOP vice-presidential candidate only has 20 months in office. It’s pathetic and it’s sad.
I'm so angry that I even have to write this article. I want to see a qualified female candidate, and I want to see her now!!! Key word is QUALIFIED. I still believe that women will never have a shot at the Presidency because being a woman (in the public's mind) inherently conflicts with the nature of the job. In order to be Commander in Chief, you have to be strong-willed. Yet, if you are a strong-willed WOMAN, then you are a lesbo-freak attack with un-shaved, smelly pubes. (As you can see, the first three paragraphs were written with a newspaper in mind, but this is what I really want to say.) They ONLY possibility for a female to be the PrZ$$ is if she is crowned like a damn Miss America contestant. That way, she keeps her precious femininity, while graciously stepping into a powerful role. Yeah, GOP, you thought you had it all fucking figured out.
Mrr. Mrrrrrrrr.
ALSO, I have no doubt that Palin's stupid comment about wondering, "What it is that the Vice President does..." actually increases some pathetic part of our society's opinion of her. Cuz, yeah, it's feminine to act stupid. It's cute to be dumb. Just don't be smart, cuz then there might be something wrong with you.
essays, stories and journaling by slegg
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Let's start a magazine filled with rants that begin eloquently and devolve into ironic babble. Please?
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